Brand Ambassadors

HIR are delighted to have our Brand Ambassadors for both MotherSage and Hempe involved in endorsing and supporting our best in class topical CBD applications.

Lynne Franks OBE - PR Guru & MotherSage Ambassador

"I have long been a believer in the healing qualities of CBD and I am delighted to be working with MotherSage on bringing such healing products to public awareness."

MAGNUS VER MAGNUSSON - 4 x World's Strongest Man & Hempe Brand Ambassador

"I have tried every product there is to help with my aches and pains, specifically for my knee and nothing has worked. Using Hempe CBD Muscle & Joint Gels are like applying magic...I mean it's unbelievable, my pain literally disappears!!!"

FLEX WHEELER - IFBB Pro Legend & Hempe Brand Ambassador

"I have been offered a ridiculous amount of money by other global CBD companies to endorse their products and I don't because they didn't work for me and I won't put my name to something I don't believe in. Hempe CBD Muscle & Joint Gels are the only ones I have tried that truly work in removing my've hit a home run!

Dan 'The Beast' Severn - 3 x UFC Champion & Hempe Brand Ambassador

"Being in the combat sport of Cage Fighting, I am used to inflicting pain upon my as I age 'Father Time' has reversed the roles! I want quality of life, and by using Hempe CBD & Muscle, and Joint Gels I have that."