

Our products are formulated using over 60 years of research by world renowned scientists based in the Czech Republic.

In 1955 Prof. Jan Kabelik laid the basics of the scientific research into the healing effects of cannabis, pioneering a legacy of research in the Czech Republic that continues to this day. His colleagues Prof. Zdeněk Krejčí and chemist František Šantavy were the first to discover and isolate cannabidiol acid or CBD in its molecular form. In 1963 Professor Šantavý published the correct absolute configuration of CBD and THC, four years ahead of Profs Raphael Mechoulam and Gaoni in Israel who independently determined and verified the findings. Many of these ground-breaking papers were published behind the Iron Curtain in the Czech language*. If they had been published in English, scientific journals of their work would now be cited all over the world. 

Today this inherited knowledge lays the foundation upon which our world leading formulations are created. Our Czech formulators are scientists that not only have access to decades of cannabinoid research but also the world-class expertise in formulation processes and combining bioactive ingredients to deliver the most effective CBD products.


*Research papers have been translated into English and are not the sole IP of HIR.

White papers

White Paper 01Published 8 Nov 2021

The Importance of Interplay Between the Endo Cannabinoid System CBD in Skincare

As part of HIR’s key objective to explore the effects and benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD), HIR present this first white paper that explores the importance of interplay between the Endo-Cannabi- noid System(ECS) and CBD in skincare.

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White Paper 02Published 13 Dec 2021

The Topical Application of Cannabidiol for Pain Relief

As part of HIR’s ongoing efforts to evaluate the effects and benefits of Cannabidiol (CBD), HIR present their second white paper that explores how the topical application of CBD significantly contributes to pain relief.

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White Paper 03Published 5 Apr 2022

The Topical Application of CBD and Anti Aging

This paper is the third white paper to be published by Healthcare International Research and discusses how the topical application of Cannabidiol (CBD) can contribute to anti-aging.

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White Paper 04Published 11 May 2022

The Importance of Interplay between the Endocannabinoid System and Cannabidiol in Pain Relief

This white paper was completed for HIR by Harry Rule. Harry is a leading independent researcher specialising in qualitative research across a wide range of sectors.

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White Paper 05Published 15 Jun 2022

The Antioxidative Properties of Cannabidiol

This white paper was completed for HIR by Harry Rule. Harry is a leading independent researcher specialising in qualitative research across a wide range of sectors.

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White Paper 06Published 3 Oct 2022

The Anti Inflammatory Properties of Cannabidiol

This is the sixth white paper published by Healthcare International Research.

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Research papers

*Research papers have been translated into English and are not the sole IP of HIR.

Overview of Findings from the Palackian University of OlomoucPublished 2 Mar 1955

Monograph of Prof Jan Kabeliks Team on the Study of the Effects of Cannabis

In the fifties, Prof. Jan Kabelík and his colleagues from his research institute in Velké Losiny found remarkably effective bactericidal and anesthetic substances in cannabis during a systematic survey of plant antibiotics.

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Paper 1Published 2 Mar 1955

Introduction of the study Cannabis as a Medicine

Introductory text by prof. Kabelík to the monograph, explaining the history of its origin and the reasons for studying this plant.

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Paper 2Published 2 Mar 1955

Historical Overview of the Therapeutic Effect of Cannabis

An overview of indications of cannabis - hemp tops and seeds - from old herbaria, folk medicine and today's official medicine is given, if the remnants of the use of Extr. cannabis.

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Paper 3Published 2 Mar 1955

Antibacterial Effect of Substances From Cannabis Indica L

In the Institute of Hygienic Medicine of the Faculty of Medicine of Palacký University in Olomouc, a systematic survey of the flora of our climate zone was carried out for the content of substances with antibacterial effects.

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Paper 4Published 2 Mar 1955

Isolation of Other Substances from the Leaves of Indian Cannabis Sativa L

It has been found that the antibacterial substances of cannabis leaves (Cannabis sativa L., indica variety) have an acidic character. Based on this, an acid was isolated in the form of its acetyl derivative, which has retained antibacterial properties against some bacterial strains.

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Paper 5Published 2 Mar 1955

Pharmacodynamic Effect of Cannabis Indica Substances

Evaluation of the pharmacological effect of substances present in Cannabis indica. During the analysis of the substances contained in Cannabis indica, several distinct effects were found. These are analgesic, anticonvulsant and locally anaesthetic effects.

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Paper 6Published 2 Mar 1955

Therapeutical Results of Application of Substances from Cannabis Ind in Dentistry

The application of active substances from Cannabis indica shows a clear therapeutic effect in the treatment of herpes labialis, periodontal painful pockets, gingival hoods above wisdom teeth, dry socket, canker sores and ulcerative gingivostomatitis.

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Paper 7Published 2 Mar 1955

Use of Cannabis Indica Extract in Conservative Dentistry

Furthermore, substances from Cannabis indica mixed with sterile dentin powder were used for treatment aimed at preserving vital dental pulp. The anesthetic effect of extr. Cannabis, in many unsuccessfully treated cases there was a painlessness for many days, in many even painless necrosis.

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Paper 8Published 2 Mar 1955

Effect of Cannabis Indica Substances in Otorhinolaryngology

Excellent effect of antibiotics from cannabis has been found in acute otitis, furuncles of the entrance to the nose and external auditory canal. In chronic otitis, it has proven itself in most cases, fails in pyocyanea and proteum infections.

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Paper 9Published 2 Mar 1955

Cannabis Indica in the Treatment of Chronic Otitis Media

In a short-term study lasting 3 weeks, Cannabis indica was tested in 18 patients with chronic otitis media and in 4 patients in the wound after anthropomy. In 13 cases of chronic otitis, there was a substantial improvement.

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Paper 10Published 2 Mar 1955

Topical Effect of Cannabis Indica in the Treatment of Specific Fistulas

Except in cases of pyocyaneal infection, cannabis extract has a beneficial healing effect in chronic specific fistulas.

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Paper 11Published 2 Aug 1955

The Importance of Hemp Seed in Tuberculosis Therapy

The use of hemp seed in the treatment of tuberculosis is based on thirty years of experience gained in the field of medical nutrition. Hemp seed ground and extracted with milk at a temperature between 60 and 80 ° C has a significant therapeutic effect even in small doses.

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Paper 12Published 2 Aug 1955

Summary of the study Cannabis as a Medicine

Summary of the results of the entire study.

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Paper 13Published 2 Aug 1955

Discussion on Papers

Discussion on individual papers on the topic of cannabis presented at the conference.

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Research links

Topical cannabidiol is well tolerated in individuals with a history of elite physical performance and chronic lower extremity pain


Cannabidiol in sports: insights on how CBD could improve performance and recovery


Cannabidiol use and effectiveness: real-world evidence from a Canadian medical cannabis clinic


Jan Kabelík, the first professor of microbiology in the Czech lands, was born 130 years ago


Natural antibiotic. Jan Kabelík discovered the effects of cannabis


Effectiveness of Cannabidiol to Manage Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review


Cannabidiol in Rheumatic Diseases


Topical Cannabidiol is Well Tolerated in Individuals with Chronic Lower Extremity Pain


Use of Cannabidiol (CBD) for the Treatment of Chronic Pain


A Balanced Approach for Cannabidiol Use in Chronic Pain


The Role of Cannabidiol (CBD) in Chronic Pain Management: An Overview


Medical Cannabis or Cannabinoids for Chronic Pain: A Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis
